Blog posts#
List of blog posts about the No Bullshit Guide to Statistics.
Outline of the stats curriculum research
Book proposal results Python to teach stats Part 1: Python basics
blog post:
notebook: python_for_stats.ipynbUsing Python to teach stats Part 2: probability models blog post: COMING SOON notebook: probability_models.ipynb
Using Python to teach stats Part 3: sampling distributions blog post: COMING SOON notebook: sampling_distributions.ipynb
Using Python to teach stats Part 4: bootstrap estimation blog post: COMING SOON notebook: bootstrap.ipynb
Using Python to teach stats Part 5: hypothesis testing using simulation blog post: COMING SOON notebook: simulation.ipynb
Using Python to teach stats Part 6: the permutations test for comparing two groups blog post: COMING SOON notebook: permutation_test.ipynb
Using Python to teach stats Part 7: stats procedures as Python code blog post: COMING SOON notebook: stats_procedures.ipynb
Using Python to teach stats Part 8: libraries for data, prob, and stats
blog post: COMING SOON notebook: python_stats_libraries.ipynb