Blog posts

Blog posts#

List of blog posts about the No Bullshit Guide to Statistics.

  1. Outline of the stats curriculum research

  2. Book proposal

  3. Survey results

  4. Using Python to teach stats Part 1: Python basics
    blog post:
    notebook: python_for_stats.ipynb

  5. Using Python to teach stats Part 2: probability models blog post: COMING SOON notebook: probability_models.ipynb

  6. Using Python to teach stats Part 3: sampling distributions blog post: COMING SOON notebook: sampling_distributions.ipynb

  7. Using Python to teach stats Part 4: bootstrap estimation blog post: COMING SOON notebook: bootstrap.ipynb

  8. Using Python to teach stats Part 5: hypothesis testing using simulation blog post: COMING SOON notebook: simulation.ipynb

  9. Using Python to teach stats Part 6: the permutations test for comparing two groups blog post: COMING SOON notebook: permutation_test.ipynb

  10. Using Python to teach stats Part 7: stats procedures as Python code blog post: COMING SOON notebook: stats_procedures.ipynb

  11. Using Python to teach stats Part 8: libraries for data, prob, and stats
    blog post: COMING SOON notebook: python_stats_libraries.ipynb